- ArduinoIDE newer than version 1.5.0 is required to build the program for this ADB to USB adapter.
- Download the kit of the program for this ADB to USB adapter from the link below
- Unzip the kit somewhere
- You may get “SimpleAdb” folder
Folder name | File name |
SimpleAdb | SimpleAdb.cpp (SimpleAdb library) SimpleAdb.h (A header file for SimpleAdb library) protocol.h (A header file for ADB protocol handler) keywords.txt |
SimpleAdb→utility | protocol.S (ADB protocol handler) |
SimpleAdb→examples→m0116 | m116.ino (A sample program using SimpleAdb library) |
Copy SimpleAdb folder to Arduino library folder. I think the location of Arduino library has been moved since version 1.5.
OS | Arduino library folder |
Windows | your_arduino_1.5.x_root\hardware\arduino\avr\libraries\SimpleAdb |
Linux | your_arduino_1.5.x_root/hardware/arduino/avr/libraries/SimpleAdb |
Mac | start finder find arduino application file right click and show package contents Contents/Resources/Java/hardware/arduino/avr/libraries/SimpleAdb |
- If using some of the third party board compatible with Leonard or Micro, modify boards.txt to be supported in the Arduino IDE. The file is located in the folder hardware/arduino/avr. For example I used the board named Da Vinci 32U, and I added the lines below to boards.txt.
davinci.name=Da Vinci 32U davinci.upload.tool=avrdude davinci.upload.protocol=avr109 davinci.upload.maximum_size=28672 davinci.upload.speed=57600 davinci.upload.disable_flushing=true davinci.upload.use_1200bps_touch=true davinci.upload.wait_for_upload_port=true davinci.bootloader.tool=avrdude davinci.bootloader.low_fuses=0xff davinci.bootloader.high_fuses=0xd8 davinci.bootloader.extended_fuses=0xcb davinci.bootloader.file=caterina/da-vinci-32u-master.hex davinci.bootloader.unlock_bits=0x3F davinci.bootloader.lock_bits=0x2F davinci.build.mcu=atmega32u4 davinci.build.f_cpu=16000000L davinci.build.vid=0x1774 davinci.build.pid=0x8032 davinci.build.core=arduino davinci.build.variant=leonardo davinci.build.extra_flags=-DUSB_VID={build.vid} -DUSB_PID={build.pid}
- Modify platform.txt for setting Arduino IDE’s build command. The file is located in the folder hardware/arduino/avr.
- To compile assembler code, add the lines below
before after
compiler.S.flags=-c -g -assembler-with-cppcompiler.S.cmd=avr-gcc
compiler.S.flags=-c -g -assembler-with-cpp# AVR compile patterns
## AVR compile patterns
## Compile S files
recipe.S.o.pattern="{compiler.path}{compiler.S.cmd}" {compiler.S.flags} -mmcu={build.mcu} -DF_CPU={build.f_cpu} -D{software}={runtime.ide.version} {build.extra_flags} {includes} "{source_file}" -o "{object_file}" - To compile without optimizer, modify the line below
before after compiler.cpp.flags=-c -g -Os -w -fno-exceptions -ffunction-sections -fdata-sections -MMD compiler.cpp.flags=-c -g -O0 -w -fno-exceptions -ffunction-sections -fdata-sections -MMD
- To compile assembler code, add the lines below
- Make some hardware for the adapter. Check if the port used is matched with the port defined in protocol.h. Default port is PORTD, and bitNo for ADB key input is PORTD6.
- Start Arduino IDE
- Select Board from Tools menu
- Select Serial port from Tools menu
- Select Examples → SimpleAdb →m0116 from File menu
- Select Preference from File menu and check show verbose output during compilation / upload
- Select Verify / Compile from Sketch menu
- If no error, click upload button
- If error occurred, look into log and think again and again and again 🙂

SimpleAdb 9.23 KB